January 2013: hottest month on record


Hottest month on record, just in case you were wondering…

January 2013 is officially the hottest month on record:

Australia recorded its hottest month on record in January 2013, with both the average mean temperature of 29.68°C and the average mean maximum temperature of 36.92°, surpassing previous records set in January 1932.

The Northern Territory recorded 31.93°C and Queensland 30.75°C, also the hottest mean temperature on record for January for both states. The heatwave in the first half of January was exceptional in its extent and duration. The national average maximum temperature on 7 January was the highest on record. Numerous stations set records for the most days in succession above 40°C, including Alice Springs (17 days) and Birdsville (31 days).

A large number of stations set all-time record high temperatures during the January heatwave, including Sydney (45.8°C on 18 January) and Hobart (41.8°C on 4 January). The highest temperature recorded during the heatwave was at Moomba in South Australia (49.6°C on 12 January). Late January saw extreme rainfall and flooding for coastal areas of Queensland and New South Wales as a low pressure system associated with ex-tropical cyclone Oswald tracked steadily south between 22 and 29 January, before moving out to sea south of Sydney.

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7 thoughts on “January 2013: hottest month on record

  1. Malamuddy says:

    Can we get a roll call of the newspapers or MSM websites that picked up this BOM media release.

    I’ll start. Not a sausage in the Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser.

    • john byatt says:

      NOt in the Sunshine Coast Daily but they did have an article from a professor at the USC on more major storm events of increasing intensity that will continue with climate change. Both Local papers here, the SCD and The gympie times, APN always report on the science, one story in the GT today on the threats to the barrier reef.

      regional news leaves the MSM for dead

  2. 2012 and all that says:

    Repeat after me “this is just another anomaly/coincidence. The AGW crowd are just using this to push their anti-capitalist/anti-America/anti-business (delete as applicable) agenda”

    So what do we call it when anomalies occur so often they become the norm?

  3. […] 2013/02/01: WtD: January 2013: hottest month on record [in Australia] […]

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