Happy 2013: and some holiday video watching

Welcome back readers, and happy 2013! I’ll be back next week with new blog posts and WtD videos. Until then, some great video’s I’ve been watching over the break for your viewing pleasure.

The Discovery Channel produced this interesting documentary early last year and is intended for a general audience. Well produced, it showcases the evidence for climate change:

I’m also going to strongly recommend the latest work by Ken Burn’s (of Civil War fame):

THE DUST BOWL, a new film by Ken Burns chronicles the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history, in which the frenzied wheat boom of the “Great Plow-Up,” followed by a decade-long drought during the 1930s nearly swept away the breadbasket of the nation. It is also a morality tale about our relationship to the land that sustains us—a lesson we ignore at our peril.

On November 15, join Ken Burns along with Paula Zahn  in a live YouTube event and national dialogue regarding the Dust Bowl’s legacy on both the environment and the culture of the United States.  Panelists will discuss current drought conditions along with the importance of environmental awareness and the effects humans have on the natural world

Burn’s is a film maker I greatly admire, and I cannot stress how much this is worth watching.

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5 thoughts on “Happy 2013: and some holiday video watching

  1. Fredrick Toben says:

    Happy 2013
    Did you cover the Prof. Richard Parncutt ‘Death Penalty for Global Warming Deniers’ issue?

    • john byatt says:

      I think that he may have been referring to the liars and deceivers who lead the deniers astray with false science and outright drivel, he did say that he did not actually mean it literally but when you have people that take everything that they read in the bible literally as fact then you just have to ignore them and get the message out there

    • Parcutt did wrong. He’s had to apologise.

      On the flip side, will Delinpole or Heartland apologise for theirs?

      • john byatt says:


        Monkton calls for scientists to be jailed

        I do not give a shit

        Parcutt calls for deniers to be executed

        I do not give a shit

        Nova states that the ocean is not warming

        I do give a shit.

        just me though

  2. Sou says:

    Happy New Year. I’ve just watched part of the Discovery video. It’s very good. Will be coming back to watch more and the Ken Burns interview.

    Fred needn’t fear – the disasters caused by climate change do not discriminate on the basis of whether one denies AGW or not.

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