Into the light: Yasi, no deaths or injuries

$60 a box... yes, a box

I’m currently interstate working I’m catching the news when I can.

The good news… no reported deaths or serious injuries.

The extent of the damage is hard to judge…obviously it is far to early to get a full picture.

Yasi has moved further inland, and has been downgraded to category four.

However, it remains a threat.

Scattered facts I’ve picked up:

  • Sugar and banana industry is going to suffer badly; I heard one farmer on the radio say banana production will be out for nine months
  • Overnight, bananas went from $16 a box to $60
  • Mission Beach, a place I holidayed at last year seems to be have coped the full brunt of it. I loved the place, the people and the café owners I spent talking too

Any news about the Mission Beach would be appreciated.

I’ll throw it open to readers to post links/updated information… just cut and paste and post here.

Data dump guys – I’ll let it all through.


Mike @ WtD

4 thoughts on “Into the light: Yasi, no deaths or injuries

  1. Sundance says:

    Yes we have no bananas, we have no bananas today. I’m glad to hear you weren’t injured by the fall from your soap box from which you launched your unscientific rants over the last few days. Never let scientific facts get in the way of promoting fear of a looming disaster, right? You must be a politician or at least you think and act like a politician.

    Just think if you were born in 1850 you could have been so much more convincing with all the worldwide death and destruction in the last half of the 19th century. Of course you would have had to blame global climate stasis as CO2 was at 280 PPM then.

    Here is a recap of 2010 global cyclone activity. It is provided by Dr. Ryan N. Maue PHD Meteorology of the National Hurricane Center in Florida.

    For the calendar-year 2010:
    **66-tropical cyclones globally, the fewest in the reliable record (since at least 1970)
    **46-tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere, fewest since 1977
    **Global calendar year ACE total of 529 was the lowest since 1977.
    **The Northern Hemisphere ACE total of 373 was the lowest since 1977.
    **Combined North Eastern and Western Pacific ACE total of 171 lowest since at least 1970.
    **Western North Pacific had 8 Typhoons fewest in at least 65-years of records.
    **Eastern North Pacific had 8 TCs: 3 were hurricanes, the fewest since at least 1970.
    **North Atlantic ACE for 2010 was 170, the 11th most since 1950, and most since 2005.

    Global, Northern Hemisphere, and Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Accumulated Energy (ACE) remain at decades-low levels. With the fantastic dearth of November and December global hurricane activity, it is also observed that the frequency of global hurricanes has continued an inexorable plunge into a double-dip recession status. With 2010 being a globally “hot” year, we saw the fewest number of global tropical cyclones observed since at least 1970.

    So why was 2010 cyclonic activity the lowest since 1977 when 2010 was one of the hottest years? I hope you and your readers will seek the scientific answer.

  2. john byatt says:

    Sundance, you have been had fella, where did you get that from? WUWT?

    re Ryan N. Maue

    If you want the scientific answer you can go to Real Climate,

  3. john byatt says:

    sundance go to RC, index, scroll to extreme events and go through them
    please do not just follow the contrary blogs,

    Extreme events:

    Storms and Climate Change
    Storms & Global Warming II
    Hurricanes and Global Warming – Is There a Connection? () ()
    On record-breaking events
    Reactions to tighter hurricane intensity/SST link
    Tropical Cyclones workshop
    Gray and Muddy Thinking about Global Warming
    NOAA: Hurricane forecasts
    Amazonian drought ()
    Fact, Fiction, and Friction in the Hurricane Debate
    Tropical SSTs: Natural variations or Global warming?
    On Mid-latitude Storms
    El Nino, Global Warming, and Anomalous U.S. Winter Warmth () ()
    Hurricane Spin
    Storm World: A Review
    Tropical cyclone history – part I: How reliable are past hurricane records?
    Tropical cyclone history – part II: Paleotempestology still in its infancy
    Climate Change and Tropical Cyclones (Yet Again)

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